Produktinformationen "FRONTLEUCHTE - 507504"
Typ Frontleuchtenround
Höhe H (mm)105
Width of the housing surrounding the lens (W2) (mm)100
Durchmesser D (mm)136
Diameter of the housing surrounding the lens (D2) (mm)136
Bracket presentNEIN
Guard presentJA
Position of attachmentbuilt-up
Number of mounts3
Type of mountinghole with thread
Thread size of the internal threadM8
Metric pitch of the internal thread (mm)1.25
Right thread/left thread of the internal threadright-handed
Diameter of the mounting holes (D3) (mm)6.7
Longest centre distance of the mounting (C1) (mm)65
Shortest centre distance of the mounting (C2) (mm)650
Niedrigste Spannung (V)12
Höchste Spannung U2 (V)24
Standlicht JA/NEINNEIN
Tagfarlight vorhandenNEIN
Foglight presentNEIN
RE/LI/Nboth sides
Leuchten VorhandenJA
Replaceable lensJA
Material of the lensglass
Art der Technologieincandescent
Gefahrenstoff: Nein
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