Produktinformationen "INNENLEUCHTE - 2226793"
Art der Innenleuchte: other
Gesamtläng L1 (mm): 294
Length of the housing surrounding the lens L2 (mm): 40
Gesamthöhe H1 (mm): 40
Height of the housing surrounding the lens H2 (mm): 40
Gesamtbreite W1 (mm): 50
Width of the housing surrounding the lens W2 (mm): 50
Wire length L3 (mm): 105
Type of mounting: screw
Diameter of the mounting holes (mm): 4.1
Longest centre distance of the mounting (mm): 25
Niedrigste Spannung U1 (V): 12
Maximale Spannung U2 (V): 12
Number of pins: 2
flexible arm present: JA
Switch present: JA
Art der Schalter: 2 Ständen
Glühlampe vorhanden: JA
Replaceable lens: NEIN
Material of the lens: plastic
Art der Technologie: xenon
Leistung (W): 6
Car plug present: NEIN
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